Saturday, 31 December 2011

last post of 2011.

Today, 31st December 2011.
It's almost 5pm as I type and that means only 7 hours till 2012 comes around.

2011 has been one of the most eventful year I have ever experienced.

But here, I want to bring up a topic that I've seen and I have that explicit urge to talk about it.
Spending New Year's (Christmas too) with friends at clubs, at wherever.
It's just my personal opinion, so please don't take it to heart.
Different people have different ways of thinking so yeah.

For me, my family are a HUGE part of my life.
And I will spend as much time as I can with them, especially on occasions like this.

Since New Year's is just hours away, let's talk about New Year's then.
 I know some people like to spend such occasions with friends but for me, it's family. DEFINITELY family.

Your family is the one who have been by your side through whatever you've gone through the past year, whether good or bad.
But friends come and go, that is a sad but very real truth we all have to face.

Yeah sure you can celebrate with friends on New Year's, but at the end of the year when you look back, you'll think about  all that happened, and you might (or might not) end up thinking about a friend that you lost, or a friendship that has drifted apart.

Negative thinking, yes.

That's why I am perfectly fine without any plans on New Year's eve. I won't complain, nothing. Just a holiday for all to enjoy.
Cherish your family people !!

- - - - -

Anyway. 2011 is coming to an end and I hope ALL (or whatever amount of readers that I have) of you will have a great year ahead!

<3 <3 <3 <3


Sunday, 25 December 2011


2011 has been... EVENTFUL.

I've had my fair share of ups and downs this year.

Early 2011, I was still a Year 1 brat. Yes, a brat.
Had lots of fun with the class, had a chalet and all.
I enjoyed myself.

April 2011 till September(?) 2011,  Year 2 Semester 1.
Quite mundane, but still, I met awesome people - my GGs 2.0
Samantha, Uma, Aida, Julie, Sifitifi and Nabilah <3 <3 <3
First group of people to celebrate my birthday for me in quite awhile!!
And then there was G. 
I wouldn't call it a trying period of time
But during those two months with him, I could say I had a taste of what it's like to be in a r/s.
Things happened, my paranoia got the better of me, he gave up, we went our separate ways.
Up till now I still have no idea why he would approach someone like me ROFL /can't see what so good about me/

October 2011, Year 2 Semester 2.
I had already given up trying to socialize because I'm anti-social like that.
But in the end, I made a very good friend, and my lady yakuza boss Elise!!
I love her to bits and pieces /glomps/
And I'm glad I could meet such a great person.

And as I type, there's only one week left to the end of 2011.
I wouldn't say that I've accomplished alot.
But I would say that I have grown, and I have learnt.

How was your 2011?

I still remember the night when I took this pic, it was when I went to watch X-Men First Class with G. 
Ahhh the memories, NOT. 

- - - - - - -

p/s: my week's gonna be busy so I'll prolly be posting again after New Year's. /talking to the wall/

Friday, 16 December 2011

moving on.

Yes, I know I've said this alot of times.

"I'm going to move on."
"I'm moving on."
"I've moved on."

Yet at the end of it all, when I receive a text from you, when I see you, it seems like all my efforts gone to waste.
I get that feeling all over again, and then I realize, I'm actually NOT over you yet.

This can't go on. 

I have to move on, I really have to. 

- - -

Tomorrow, the 17th of December, will be the birthday of a friend that I used to have.
Yes, used to.

We knew each other since Primary 3, we were best friends all the way till Sec 4.
She started ignored my texts, ignored my calls.
And then I lost a friend.

I think ever since that, I've been kinda paranoid about having people close to me.
It's like, I wanna be close with them, but I'm afraid to at the same time.

That's why I push people away.
That's why I pushed you away.


I wanna go back to the days when "we" didn't exist.
Or at least to the days when "we" was still a possibility.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

I can't believe that I was expecting you to take some form of action after seeing me today.
Like a text, anything.
But no, just a "hi".

Not that I should have been expecting you to tell me that you miss me.

I forgot I'm just your "backup" when you don't have anyone else to go out with.

So much for promises.

- - - - -

Sometimes I wish we never were.
Because that way, we'd be better off.

Monday, 12 December 2011

last week of school.

HEY READERSSSSS /talking to the wall/

It's the last weeeeek of schooool!

I started my week with F&B UT2! Consisted of a written and spoken portion but it was fine imo.
Gonna end it with IEI UT 2 /le sigh/

It's only Monday but sadly... I'M BROKE ALREADY.
Spent 28 on a knit top and 20 on a maxi dress.
I have no idea how I am going to pull off the maxi though.
I need inspiration!! /searching desperately/

Oh well.
Life's going well I'd say.
Still waiting for calls from my IIP company choices but they probably wouldn't want someone like me /shrugs/

Until next time <3

Sunday, 11 December 2011


I'm not pretty. I'm not smart. I'm not skinny. I don't have beautiful features. I don't have nice long hair. Heck, I might not even be your favourite type. So why me? Questioning my worth once again.

Monday, 5 December 2011

SCMS 2011

I know I'm supposed to update about SUNDOWN, of which I supposed MORE people are interested in, but I am TOO LAZY (as usual) to upload my pics of the fanmeet and the actual LIVE itself so yeahhh. /dies/

Standard Chartered Marathon 2011.
Got forced by the school to do it, but I enjoyed myself anyways.

Reporting time: 4th December 2011, 0100 hours at the F1 Pit Building.
Met Elise <3 at JP at 9, grabbed some coffee before we headed down to Cineleisure for some pool with Rixin !
Alan met us there and we started playing!

Damm, NEVER EVER EVER believe a guy when he says he sucks at pool. BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS END UP BETTER THAN WHAT THEY SAY.
That, and I need more training OTL

Headed down to the meeting venue and got our volunteer kit! Tee was waaaaaay too large but I love big tees so yeah /nods/
It makes a good pajama tee.  \(^ ^)/ バンザーイ

After a quick meal and fooling around, we got to  our assigned spot, BENJAMIN SHEARS BRIDGE!
Reached there at about 3 but we had to stone till close to 6 because the run didn't start till then.

Once the race started, we were standing all the way till close to 3.30!
But it was okay. I had fun cheering them on!

There were quite a few incidents but I guess it was quite okay.

It was generally just like that because me, Elise and Rixin were blowing the whistles all the way.

I have sunburns mostly on the left side of  my body, my arms, thighs and calves. Not forgetting my nose, face and EARS.

Here I would like to thank Rixin, Elise and YingSing for helping me out because they know of my weak knees and helped SHORTY ME get over the bloody high (in my opinion) barricades. Really appreciate it !  <3 <3 <3 <3

And I guess that concludes my SCMS experience.

here's a pic! Me with Elise, my yakuza lady boss! <3


Nahhhh just for awhile. 

I should be updating again soon this week (if I ever get the motivation to do so) and here are the stuff I'm gonna blog about! 


This was a useless post brought to you by Dawn <3