Thursday, 13 October 2011


How's everyone doing?
Oh wait, I don't have readers.

School's started!
New class, but the people are nice!
I'm learning to open up faster than I thought I would :D

Something embarassing happened today though ~~
I was walking from Booklink back towards W6 with Dionne <3 when this cute guy with piercings came over and said "there's something on your sleeve"
It was a speck of rice from lunch, must have been from the table and I didn't notice.
Not to mention that guy was cute ... well, kinda.

To the emotional side if things.
He came to talk to me again not long ago.
I can't be weak. I won't let myself be weak.
But then again, maybe it was MY paranoia that led to all of this.

How I wish I could read minds, I really wanna know if he was serious about me and why he gave up so easily.

I guess I'll never know.

I know my own personality, I know my own fears. Maybe this is the reason why I've always been alone.

Saturday, 8 October 2011
