Tuesday, 13 March 2012

internship :(

second day and i'm dying already.
the place is okay, but IDK, I'm just not feeling like I can survive in this place for six months.

i was always more of a retail line person. /le sigh/

i never liked feeling like a newbie, but i never seem to adapt to an environment fast enough. i'm a contradicting person.

my supervisor SEEMS nice, but ino the second day I still can't tell. she's intimidating all right. 不会怕才怪。

i should be glad that I'm doing admin and research to support the events team i suppose.

I wonder how many off days I'm entitled to.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Of horoscopes and blood types.

Sometimes I wonder how many people actually believe what their horoscope signs and blood type characteristics tell them, or how many people actually find that the characteristics and signs to be like what they really are in real life.
I've also recently realized that even the beginning letter of your name actually do carry some characteristics ._.

For me, I actually find that SOME of the characteristics actually describe me perfectly in real life.
I went to dig up some of the tweets that I've retweeted previously that actually fit me pretty well.


  • #Leo enjoy others who they can imitate and learn from
  • When a #Leo commits, they do so completely with their heart and soul
  • As a #Leo, you utilize your energy together with the benefit of a sense for direction, clarity and wisdom
  • In their lovers, #Leos try to find a person who can match wits with them, a partner who understands their need to be the centre of attraction

  • Type O might forgive someone in their heart, but tend to have difficulties expressing it because of their pride
  • Be loyal to a Type O and they will never let you down, but once you disappoint them they'll never look at you the same
  • Type Os seem like they never get stressed out, because they like to hide their stress
  • Type Os are ambitious, yet lazy at the same time
  • Type Os know when something won't work out, but still can't stop hoping
  • Type Os don't like to ask for help, they believe they can do everything on their own
  • Type Os easily fall head over heels at first sight
  • Type Os are horrible at expressing their feelings
  • Type Os tend to come off as indifferent when they are trying to hide their true feelings
  • When a Type O walks out on you, do whatever it takes to get them back. They miss you.
  • Most "D"s are very worried about their figure
  • Although "D"s might seem strong and all, they fear many things
  • Most "D"s are no longer who they thought they were, they've changed alot
  • Don't you dare make a "D" jealous, it will haunt them for days
  • Most "D"s hearts are battlegrounds, where mistrust and need of others are in a constant struggle

So basically, that just makes me a prideful idiot who can't express her feelings well, and has a love-hate relationship with drama  ._. 
Ain't I just awesome /sarcasm/ 

Do you believe in this kinda stuff? *talks to a wall in cyberspace*

- - - - -

On a side note, my internship is starting tomorrow and I AM SCARED ._. 
Not scared as in really frightened, but more of intimidated? 
I was never one who could adapt to a new environment easily ._. 


Today is the 11th of March 2012.
Today marks the first year since the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake.
Since Japan is one hour ahead of Singapore, I took a moment of silence at 1.46pm for those who were lost and for those who have lost because of this tragedy.

I still remember seeing Hiroto, AOI, RUKI, T.M.R and all the JROCKERs that I follow on Twitter tweeting about what was going on, and after the quake, they were helping out by retweeting information on shelters, spreading word on who was missing and got their followers to help out.
It was really nice to see that they were all helping out.
T.M.R also organized a charity drive Stand Up Japan, where artistes put their own personal items up for auction and all the proceeds went to helping the earthquake victims.

To be perfectly honest, this earthquake has impacted me in some ways too.
If it wasn't for the earthquake, we wouldn't have started talking.
Even though we're like this now, but I've never actually regretted it.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

hello march.

March is gonna be a really busy month.
My internship starts in less than two weeks, and I've gotta do a little shopping before I start work !
I'm looking forward to start work, but nevertheless I'm kinda intimidated by whatever is gonna be happening at the workplace !