Wednesday, 15 February 2012

update, and the little things in life.


I know I haven't been updating. Even if I did they're just little bits that I just wanted to rant about.

And as I type... I realized that.… I have tons of stuff that I haven't blogged about YET.
I've yet to blog about Sundown Festival, which was LAST YEAR. Damm.

So I'll start from the most recent one in memory:


And so the day started off with me waiting for my lady boss Elise as usual at JE. She was with Angela and bright and early in the morning, the two of them handed me a paper bag from THEFACESHOP, and it was supposedly tons of nail polishes and masks that she had and wanted to pass to me. Then when they asked me to open it in class...

IT WAS A FREAKING CHEKI/POLAROID (whichever you prefer to call it)

I was SO FREAKING STUNNED that I ran over and "strangled" Elise right there and then.
That girl is always spending SO MUCH MONEY on me. I feel so guilty dammit.
But it's okay, I have an awesome (imo) idea for her birthday present and I shall see to it that it gets to her one way or another. HEH.
It even came with a little handmade card that she stayed up just to make. /moved to tears/
I teared when I reached home and flipped through it properly.

my lady boss! lots of love for her /round of applause/

the polaroid/cheki that she bought for me, plus the card

and here she is, the one and only, most wonderful lady boss ever !

On to the next, Valentines' Day.

Spent it alone for the 18th year consecutively. But this time, I spent it alone willingly.
Because I'd rather end it quick when I don't feel anything more, rather than to drag it out and hurt the other party more.
I am still hung up over the past and it's not fair to anyone else to be hurt because of what I can't get over.

Yes, I miss the past, those days with him. And yes, I know that he won't be coming back.
But no, I am not over him. Not when I went past all those places that I used to go with him, not when all these flashbacks are coming back to me.

Nevertheless here's a belated Valentines' Day for all !

Lastly,  meetup + catchup + shopping session with my secondary school BFF Chen Min !

I just realized we didn't have a picture together.
Really had an awesome time with her, chatting about guys (mainly) and shopping around JP !
Went shopping with her for office wear and now I am SUPER tempted to go shopping. Shall drag my mum around this weekend :D

I guess we have a similar thought process when it comes to guys.
Told her my stories and she shared hers.
Ranted everything out and truth be told, I feel much better.

I always feel better after ranting, but I'm always afraid that I'll be disturbing others, or that others are going to find me irritating >_<

Aaaaaand, I guess that's all.
Till the next time, byebye  (^ ^)/~~


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