Thursday, 5 May 2011



I know I've been changing blogs like mad.
But that's just because I'm trying to find that awesome blogging platform (I ended up at blogger and アメバ AGAIN) and that one blog name that will have some form of meaning for me, and not just random names due to the spur of the moment.

5th May 2011 marks the birth of this blog, which I hope, will last me for as long as it will.

Just a short update on what's going on with my life :(


Just some indigestion that led to headaches and fever. Nothing much.
I have slight nausea spells too but that just means I can sing Nausea and Shudder all day long ~

Okay that wasn't funny.

I'm gonna meet a seller tomorrow, to get my PUNK RAVE bag. OMG I can't wait.
I just hope my body will do me some justice D:

And lastly, just a camwhore pic of myself  \( ^ ^ )/

Okay. I totally hate myself nau :/


Just wanted to add on to this first post though, and it will be my views on haters.

I'm sure most people have gotten haters before, or gotten flamed for posting honest opinions?
Well, I'm one of 'em.

I admit. I have and will blog about either people who have made me happy, or people who have pissed me off.
I am more than happy to put your name down on my blog if you've made my day.
Just for those who do not know, I do not post names when it comes to talking about people who've pissed me off or made me unhappy to the extent that I am blogging about it.

Why make it so obvious to others that you're the one I'm talking about?
When I blog about people who piss me off, I talk about the person's character and actions in general.
Why the fuck do you have to be so defensive unless you're guilty as charged?
You only show the rest of the readers (or whatever measly readers I have) that you are the one I am talking about.

Personally I feel that there are two ways for people to take this kinda criticism.  They either see it as something for them to learn from, or something to hate on.
I'm afraid I have to say this though, its always the latter. People nowadays must be really free to hate on so many things.

Also, I do not blog to please others.

This blog will probably be a huge collection of tears, smiles, emotions and memories for the years to come. So I really do not want to have to close this blog because of excessive hating and flaming.


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